Your WCM comments to the Corps are needed

no later than Saturday, January 30, 2016


To all Lake Lanier users and businesses:

The Corps’ Water Control Manual (“WCM”) comment period ends on Saturday, January 30th. The Lake Lanier Association has prepared formal comments that it will submit. Those comments can be viewed at http://lakelanier.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/WCM-Comments_01282016.pdf

We are calling on all Lake Lanier users and businesses to submit comments to the Corps by this Saturday’s deadline. Recent hydrologic analysis has revealed a large, unrevealed impact from the Corps’ proposed navigation plan. According to that analysis, the Corps’ navigation operations alone would lower Lake Lanier by more than four feet in a drought similar to the one in 2007-2008. This impact is even greater than the impact of the projected population increases between now and 2050.

The impact of this portion of the proposed WCM is of such magnitude that we believe that a large volume of comments in opposition is critical in convincing the Corps to change its plan.

Specifically, in your own words emphasize the need for the Corps to:

  1. Revise the navigation plan to avoid the severe impact the proposed plan will have on Lanier’s water levels.
  2. Incorporate rigorous drought prediction that will trigger changes in reservoir operations to preserve lake levels during drought.
  3. Manage the reservoirs to retain maximum storage levels in the reservoirs so that drought conditions will not have the devastating impact that was experienced in December 2007.
  4. Model and plan for raising Lake Lanier’s full pool level to 1073.

Public comments may be submitted via the following methods:

Mobile District


P.O. Box 2288

Mobile, AL  36628


Please share your comments with us by sending a copy to: [email protected]

Thank you for your support of Lake Lanier.