Docks are being dumped on Lake Lanier
As a lake community we can stop this practice.
Dumped docks create hazards around the lake. As they deteriorate, the floats, stairs, ramps and other sections can end up floating in the main channel of the lake. Abandoned docks have also rammed into neighbors docks and caused damage. This is safety and pollution issue for Lake Lanier.
In an effort to stop this practice, we need your help. It is as simple as if you see something, say something.

Whether the permit holder is selling to another for use or paying a contractor to remove and dismantle the dock owners can be held responsible if this is not done properly. Disposal and removal can be expensive both for an owner and a contractor. However, it does pale in comparison to the cost of a new dock and should be taken into consideration as part of the total cost of an upgrade.
An alarming part of the issue is that, many dock owners have paid a contractor for disposal or sold their dock for little or no money only to have it turn up in a cove, dumped and sometimes stripped of metal and lumber.
There are endless photos of floats coming down the lake in a line, stairs, gangways, etc. Floats, unlike geese, don’t naturally become a gaggle and bunch together. This is due to dumping.