The Corps Remains Committed to Hazard Marker Replacements by Memorial Day

Update on LLA Solar Light and Hazard Marker Replacements
By Todd Baxter, Board of Director
As boating season draws near, the Lake Lanier Association is preparing the solar lights for safer night-time boating.
LS3 remains our committed Marine Contractor for the Solar Light program. They have successfully completed their overnight inspection of all 289 solar lights on the lake. This inspection takes place this time of year annually, in the darkness of night to get the full scope of the solar lights functionality. All non-functioning lights have been identified, and those not requiring pole replacement are scheduled to be fixed prior to Memorial Day weekend.
LLA is excited to be heading into the busy on-water season with the highest percentage of fully functioning solar lights ever, and we will continue to work diligently throughout the year to address problems as soon as possible after they are reported.
We will also continue forward with our new maintenance program over the course of the summer. In partnership with LS3, LLA will replace the 100 oldest lights on the lake with brand new models designed and warrantied to last a minimum of 3 years.
The Corps also maintains their commitment to fix/replace or appropriately mark (with hazard marker) all poles identified as down at end of season last year by Memorial Day. The Corps is also working diligently to complete all other outstanding work orders associated with more recent reports or those identified in LS3’s inspection which were not on the original list as soon as possible.
In partnership with the Corps, the Lake Lanier Association is scheduled to begin our refresh of navigation markers (red and green location markers) on the lake.
In scope for this season is a refresh of all 28 markers in the main channel of the Chestatee. LLA has received several bids for the work and expects to award the contract in May and work with our partner to complete the pilot project by the end of the summer. Our plan is to take what we learn from that pilot and develop a program to refresh the remaining 200+ navigation markers on the lake in the coming years.