Lake Lanier Association members may be interested in the following Barefoot Sailing Club annoucement:


Do you ever wonder what the US Coast Guard does besides rescue people in life-threatening situations on the ocean and along the coast, or chase down drug smugglers in the Caribbean?  Well, now’s your chance to learn about the interesting, multi-faceted missions of our Coast Guard.

Barefoot Sailing Club is honored to bring to the Atlanta area boating community the speaker for its July Monthly Meeting on Monday, July 23rd, Captain Pauline F. Cook, Deputy Director of Marine Transportation Systems, Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters. Captain Cook has had extensive on-the-water command experience with the Coast Guard, as well as many years of safety management and oversight at different major ports around the US, and now, as a Deputy Director, she is responsible for oversight of 12 mission areas, or programs, within the Coast Guard. She will talk about those mission areas that should have the widest interest to our audience.

Please join us at Nemoe’s Tavern & Grille (new venue!!), at 6025 Peachtree Parkway, in the Peachtree Corners area in Norcross, GA (for directions, go to, and click on the map or the “Location” tab). Socializing begins at 6 p.m., then a delightful buffet dinner at 7, followed by the program at 8.

For more info on the speaker, details and cost, directions, and to RSVP (required) for the buffet and program, please go to the BFSC website,, and on the home page, go to the “Upcoming Events” tab in the info bar at the top of the page, and click on “July Monthly Meeting”.

For any questions about this event, or problems with the weblinks, please contact:

 Lee R. Cook

[email protected]