CALL TO ACTION: EPD Drought Response Needs to Consider Lake Lanier Water Level
Member call to action! Please contact our state Environmental Protection Division and urge them to keep the Level 2 Drought Response in place until Lake Lanier gets closer to its full pool! The EPD is considering lifting the Level 2 Drought Response currently in place since Metro Atlanta is no longer officially in a drought. The problem with this approach is that it doesn’t consider that residual drought impacts on Lake Lanier can continue for long after the official drought is over since it can take some time for Lake Lanier to regain its full pool water level. Below is the press release the Lake Lanier Association has sent to media outlets. Members – the EPD needs to hear from you! Use your own words and either email or call the EPD at or 404-657-5947. Time is of the essence since they will be making a decision soon.