Prevent Trash from Piling up on Lake Lanier's Shorelines
Report areas that need to be cleaned
Plastics, dock floats, balls, Styrofoam, tires and so much more can be found on the banks of Lake Lanier. This is why LLA completes that largest cleanup in Georgia ever year Shore Sweep!
However, many times there are issue locations that need a more concerted effort throughout the year to clean up. In an effort to clean these areas, we need your help. It is as simple as if you see something, say something.

Trash in Lake Lanier has a way of finding favorite locations. The wind and currents tend to move trash and other debris into central locations, again and again.
This is good because if we can find these locations, we can organize mini cleanups throughout the year.
These pockets of trash are what we are looking for. Unfortunately we can’t cleanup natural debris such as logs, nor can we pick up a float here or there, however we can tackle the hotspots. It goes without saying, if you are on this site, you already know that there are no magic trash fairies that clean up the islands and beaches at night.