Kentucky Derby Fundraiser
As the 2015 goal for Rotary International is “Light Up The World”, the Rotary Club of Lanier Forsyth has selected the Lake Lanier Association as one of the charitable organizations to receive a portion of the profits from their Kentucky Derby fund raiser to help fund the solar lighting program on Lake Lanier.
A couple notes: This is an open bar event. A designated driver or taxi cab to and from would be a very good idea. This is a derby party. Ladies, a fancy hat and dress is very appropriate attire. Gentlemen, you don’t have to wear a fancy hat, but this would be considered more of a dress up event than the standard day at the lake. No flip flops or Budweiser t-shirt for this event.
Date – Saturday, May 2, 2015
Time – 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Location – Windemere Golf Club House
Dress – Derby Attire
Cost – $75/person
Food/Drink – Heavy appetizers/open bar (includes mint juleps)
Tickets must be purchased in advance. If you would like to attend and support this event, please send an email to and we will put you in touch with the group to purchase your ticket.