2011 Golf Tournament
9th Annual Lake Lanier Association Golf Tournament
May 16, 2011 at Legacy on Lanier Golf Club, Lake Lanier Islands
Plan now for a fun day of golf at the beautiful new Legacy on Lanier golf course. Enjoy stunning views of Lake Lanier and play a course designed to appeal to golfers of all levels.
Your support of this tournament will support the Lake Lanier Association in fulfilling it’s mandate of protecting the lake through it’s programs of education, action and advocacy. Thank you for your support. All dues and donations are tax –deductible under IRS 501 (c) (3) not for profit tax code, to the extent of the law. The Lake Lanier Association’s 9th Annual Golf Tournament continues the tradition begun by our board member, Jaime Baray, who is always in our hearts and thoughts.
Lake Lanier Association Golf Tournament Registration Levels
9th Annual Lake Lanier Association Golf Tournament Registration Form
- Individual Player $150
- Foursome $600
- Corporate Sponsor $1,000
- Signage on Tee box, four players, name on event banner and listing on Web site and in newsletter
- Hole Sponsor $400
- Signage on Tee box, name on event banner and listing on Web site and in newsletter
Tournament Program for the 2010 Lake Lanier Golf Tournament
- 10:00 a.m. Registration
- 10:30 a.m. Range Opens
- 11:30 a.m. Shot Gun Start
- 4:30 p.m. Appreciation Reception and Awards
- Awards: Low Gross, Low Net, Runner-up Net and Ladies’ Net
Entry Fee for the Lake Lanier Association 2011 Tournament includes
- Entrance Fee to Lake Lanier Island
- Continental Breakfast
- Cart Rental
- Green Fees
- Appreciation Barbeque Reception
- Awards
- Goody Bags
- Chance to Win Great Raffle Prizes
Lake Lanier Association Golf Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities
Corporate $1000 for the Lake Lanier Association Golf Tournament
- Signage on Tee Box
- Four Players
- Name on Event Banner
- Listing on Web site and in Newsletter
Hole Sponsor $400 for the Lake Lanier Association Golf Tournament
- Signage on Tee Box
- Name on Event Banner
- Listing on Web site and in Newsletter